Helping Tara prepare this blog has brought back many memories. Waves of sadness, love, and tenderness have crashed down on my soul, loosing floodgates of tears so often held back in order to strengthen others. Yet, Chris's memory, especially many of my first ones of her, still the tears and bring peace to my soul. I love you Chris! Oh how I wish I had said it more often when she was here; but I know she knew how much. Tears still well up like great reservoirs of regret when I wish I could have been with her at the end. I digress. I do not wish to think of the end - but the beginning. Chris, you hold a special place in my heart. You were truly a mother to me. Coming to visit always felt like coming home.
Since Chris left, I have been blessed to feel her near on a few occassions. During one blessing in particular that I was giving Tara, I not only felt her next to me but I knew her thoughts and felt her feelings. I have never felt anything that spiritual so strong before or since. The spirit overwhelmed me, and I KNEW how much she loves her children. I can say of assurety that she loves her family, that she is aware of your thoughts, your feelings, and your events. I look forward to the day I embrace her again, and hope that I on that day I will make her proud of me for the life I have led. I know it will feel like coming home.
Love - Joe